Friday, November 14, 2008

Though Provking

I just finished a fantastic book, The Faith, Given Once, For All by Charles Colson. I HIGHLY recommend this book for anyone, believer or not. It does a fantastic job in covering the historical foundations of the Christian faith. I wanted to share one paragraph that really stuck with me, especially in light of recent events:

"Christianity does not seek to impose, it proposes. The Gospel is the great proposal: Come to the wedding feast, on and all -- Black, white, rich, poor, East, West, Muslim, Jew, Christian -- all are welcome, and it's never to late. God turns no man or woman away, not one. Through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Father brings us into His Kingdom. This is the promise He holds out to individuals and nations alike, a Kingdom not of eating and drinking or of marching armies and clashing swords, but a Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy forever in the Holy Spirit."

I think that thought will stick with me a LONG time. I will from this point forward always be asking myself; 'Am I imposing, or proposing'. That's a pretty big shift in thinking.

I simply can't recommend this book high enough.


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