Tuesday, November 4, 2008

History in the Present

Tonight history was made. We knew it was coming, and all indications pointed to this outcome. Tonight is not the end, nor do I believe it is the beginning of the end. I believe the old saying that applies is "It's always darkest before the dawn.".

Tonight's election and the days ahead will most likely be dark for many, but in times of darkness the light shines all the brighter.

No matter that the result isn't what we may have wanted, today doesn't have to be a day of sorrow. Our mission as Christians hasn't changed by the election of a new president. Our mission tomorrow will be the same it was yesterday; to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The government can't force you to do anything. While the cost may be high, the reward of following the Lord is much more.

Stand strong fellow believers, continue to LIVE your testimony. Be more like Christ tonight, tomorrow and in the days ahead so that God may use this election as a beacon pointing to Him. We are the tools in His hands.

We stand on the brink of possibly the greatest harvest in the history of the church. In times of difficulty more people turn to the Light of the World then in times of plenty. It is our time to shine bright. We are told by Christ Himself that our lives won't always be easy and at times the world will be against us, but we are to continue to progress forward in our mission to spread the Gospel.

Continue to stand up for your rights, write your newly elected officials, tell them that you will be watching and holding them accountable. NOW is the time to become even more involved, not shy away.

Like you all, I'll be praying for this country and this world all the more fervently.

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